AEM Help Center
Importing Exchange Wallet Data
This article provides a walk-through on how to add transaction data into your exchange wallet from CSV, XLS or XLSX and troubleshooting data import issues.
Accepted import file formats
For PC and Windows we recommend importing XLSX files
For Mac both CSV and XLSX files can be imported
Step 1: Check that you added the correct Exchange Wallet
Before commencing your import, ensure that your wallet has been added to the Exchange Wallet page.

NOTE: Make sure that the cryptocurrency data that you are about to import is the same as the wallet's currency.
Step 2: Import Exchange Wallet Data
Go to the Import page and chose the wallet you wish to import from the Choose a wallet dropdown, select the check box and click Continue.

You will be taken to the Import/Export Exchange Wallet Data, which should initially contain no data to begin with. Click the CSV Import button on the top right.

Step 3: Data Type
Set Data Type details and click Continue.

TIP: The data type feature currently lets you import wallet transaction history. Trading pairs are not yet recognised, but will be developed soon. One easy work around is to choose which side of the pair you want to import, and set up a wallet for each of the currencies being traded. You would have to do the same in your accounting system, such as 'Xero' if you then want to export your data for each side of the transaction pairs.
Step 4: Use Template & Select File
If you already know the data format, either drag and drop or browse your own files to upload import file. Otherwise you should download our template that will provide you with an example of how and what data to import.

TIP: Both CSV and XLSX file imports are accepted and the system will autodetect which file type you are uploading. However it is recommended that you do use our template as well as the exact same format, to prevent any issues with the import.
After you upload the file, you will receive confirmation of the upload being successful and you can proceed to the next step, by clicking Confirm.

TROUBLESHOOTING: Most common issues with your data import may relate to the calendar date format. However, in most cases it will be fine as long as you follow the template. For instance, our template provides the time and date in the date cells. But if you choose to delete the time and leave it only in the date format, that should work. Note that our calculations are based on daily values. The exact transaction times are more for your reference, as they will not affect the CGT (Tax) or currency conversion calculations as long as the date of the transactions is the same.
Step 5: Confirm Column Matching
Once on the Confirm columns section, check that your import configuration is correct and the transaction columns and titles match. If you have no configuration errors, click Confirm Mapping and proceed to Step 7.
WHEN DATA DOESN'T MATCH: This is a particularly important part and make sure you pay attention to this section. If you are importing a spreadsheet where you've modified some of the data or created it yourself, you may receive warnings as shown below.

FEES IN DIFFERENT CURRENCY: If you are importing token data which has transaction fees in a different currency, BEFORE importing you will need to REMOVE the fees and create a SEPARATE spreadsheet for Fee transactions and EITHER import it to a separate wallet to MATCH the FEE CURRENCY or INSTEAD simply DELETE the FEE data and then downlad the data for the other currency as per the examples below:
EXAMPLE 1: In a USDT wallet when exporting data from Ether Scan, with transaction fees in ETH, delete the Fees in Ethereum. Then separately download the full list of your Ethereum transactions as it will contain the USDT fees as well.
EXAMPLE 2: In a USDT wallet with transaction fees in ETH, the ETH transaction fees will need to be removed from the USDT wallet spreadsheet and a new spreadsheet for the ETH transaction fees will need to be created. The TWO SPREADHSEETS will then need to be imported into their respective wallets.
NOTE: This is particularly IMPORTANT as the CURRENCY exchange data in each wallet will only MATCH it with the wallet currency and not the FEE currency if it is different.
Step 6: Correct configuration errors
Skip and go to Step 7 if you receive no configuration warnings.
If you receive configuration warnings it means that your headings do not match. In the case of the above example, we've imported a modified template where instead of the heading 'Coin' we've used a word 'Coins' similarly with the heading for 'Transaction Fee' which has been modified to 'Fees'.

Use the dropdown to correct the configuration issues by selecting the correct label for 'Coins', which is 'Coin" (as 'Coins' is not a default import type).
Repeat the process till you have no more configuration errors. Click Confirm mapping once all configuration errors have been corrected.

NOTE: After updating the heading, the data will appear in red but you can simply press confirm to update the section. Once you have no more configuration errors you are done.
Step 7: Check your imported data
Once your import has been completed, you will be able to see your data, as shown in the image below.
Make sure that you only import your data once. However, as we do prepare for accidental duplicate exports, you can simply use the checkbox next to each transaction row and delete any data that you didn't want to import. This is why it is important to review your data before and after your export as you are relying on manual data imports.

Step 8: Tips for Exporting your Data
Finally once you get your data into the wallet, you can then perform your tax calculations as well as exports to Xero.
Exchange Wallets differ from Blockchain Wallets in that they enable manual data imports. Blockchain wallets sync everything from the chain and therefore do not enable editing of data. As Exchange Wallets are designed to enable you to manipulate your data, the Xero export function is also manual. Therefore we've disabled the automatic data exports into Xero, as every time you import your data you will need to check it. However all other steps to export data into Xero are identical.